10 June, 2007

On the Gibb River Road !

Sunday, and at last we have reached the Gibb River Rd. So far, it's been a "normal" dirt road, with the creek crossings mostly dry. In the El Questro wilderness area, there were a lot of creeks to cross, and we now know why it is strictly 4 wheel drive territory.

At El Questro, campers have to choose between "public sites" clustered together and close to amenities, or "private sites", very secluded, but not close to bathrooms. We opted for the latter - we're at "Wren", a beautiful spot on the Pentecost River, nothing but us and nature in sight or in sound. It's a serious 4WD road just to get to Wren, no power, no water, and best of all, no neighbours.

Today we walked El Questro Gorge, one of a dozen in this area. About an hour up to a beautiful swimming hole (which we utilised), but one of the toughest, roughest walks we have done. The gorge is stunning and narrow, steep sides and rain forest in the bottom half, with beautiful ferns on the walls, and a pretty creek to cross many times. We got wet feet. The road to the base of the gorge was another minefield of soft bulldust and numerous creeks to cross. Our Toyota Hilux handled all of these hazards with aplomb, although Mike is still getting the hang of selecting which 4WD gear to be in, there are 3 to choose from.

Looking forward to our first night at this ever so quiet bush site

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