14 June, 2007

Swimming Holes

Thurs. Well you will know who is doing the blog today. We got the new tyre ok, a nice man named Neville a bush mechanic fixed it for us at the Imintji Road House, where we had lunch while we waited.

We called in at Galvans Gorge, which was beaut. Mike had a swim in the very deep pool at the bottom of a waterfall there. The Gibb River Rd is not too bad, we are being very careful now, as we do not want to buy too many tyres. The roads in to the Gorges are terrible, and the tracks to the Gorges are very hard, down river beds on rocks. My foot is suffering a bit, it is so rough. There are no tracks people just walk any where.

The gums are all flowering, and the native grevillia are beautiful. Just as I adjust to thongs in the showers, we get to camp for the next few nights where there are no showers. Upon arriving at Bell's Gorge this afternoon, we went straight to the river and had a great bathe. We have had no power for the last 5 nights, but the blog gets out, that is remarkable. No radio, no phones since we left Darwin a week ago.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I must say I am a little relieved you got the tyre fixed!