13 February, 2016

The Orion's Philippine Review...

It can't be overstated how good Shaun Powell is as expedition leader. In consultation with the captain, he works tirelessly at flexing our destinations and shore or zodiac excursions program to suit weather and tide. On days of reasonable weather, he packs as much in as possible and sometimes activities run well past the expected time. In this environment, a scheduled night of entertainment had been postponed several times, but at last it took place to the delight of the passengers.
Candlelight routine, a traditional Philippine dance, featuring Melvin, our cabin attendant.

We're sure ship's crew do performances on all cruisers, but this was new and unexpected to us. The performers were the entirely Philippine members of the Hotel Department crew, and it was really obvious that they loved the limelight! They were talented and clearly had practiced hard. The singers were entusiastic and the dancers were fabulous. But most of all, they all really enjoyed themselves!
"Hands Up" from the cabin crew team fired up the audience.

The Hotel Manager MCed the show with great aplomb and humour.

A real performer, whipping the crowd up into a frenzy.

The MC, Hotel Manager Ian Vella, quite a stand up performer himself, made sure every participant received clear recognition and generous applause. And the Captain, a very popular man on this ship, got into the spirit of things by swinging his partner Dorothee on the jury-rigged dance floor.
The Captain and Dorothee cut a rug.

Maria, our star bar and restaurant waitress, was a great rapper..

The sound engineer for the show showed that he has talent too!

The Mexican contingent performing Speedy Gonzales.

The galley boys wowed us all with YMCA.

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